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» » Syria strategy not to engage in civil war, but some things 'inexcusable': Mattis

Syria strategy not to engage in civil war, but some things 'inexcusable': Mattis Defense Secretary James Mattis said Thursday that although the U.S. strategy in Syria is to defeat ISIS and “not engage in the civil war itself,” some things, like the use of chemical weapons, are “simply inexcusable beyond the pale” and “in the worst interest… of civilization itself.” Interested in Syria? Add Syria as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Syria news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Syria Add Interest Speaking at a House Armed Services Committee hearing, Mattis made the comments as justification for last year’s U.S. missile strikes on Syria but did not suggest what military action the administration might take in Syria in the coming days. On the complicated nature of the fight in Syria, Mattis said “at times you’re going to see contrary impulses,” after Rep. Joe Courtney, a Connecticut Democrat, read out some of President Donald Trump’s tweets this week, first vowing to strike Syria, then suggesting the strikes may not be soon. Mattis confirmed President Donald Trump has not yet made a decision and said that after the hearing ends, he will attend a meeting of the National Security Council at the White House, at which he will “take forward the various options to the president.” 'We have the proof' Syria used chemical weapons, French President Emmanuel Macron says 'No final decision' on Syria after Trump meets with national security team: WH PHOTO: US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, right, arrive to testify before a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, April 12, 2018.Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, right, arrive to testify before a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, April 12, 2018.more + Mattis placed blame on Russia for the continuing alleged chemical attacks in Syria, despite the fact that Mattis said the U.S. does not have hard evidence that chemical weapons were used in the Douma attack that has killed at least 43 people. He said that they were still trying to get Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons inspectors to Douma within the week to collect evidence. “You saw President Obama try to deal with those chemical weapons when he was in and enlisting the Russians who now it shows were complicit in Syria retaining those weapons, Assad retaining them – and the only reason Assad is still in power is because of the Russians regrettable vetoes in the UN and the Russian and Iranian military,” Mattis said. But asked what is the best approach to deal with the conflict in Syria, Mattis said the U.S. remains committed to “ending that war through the Geneva process, the UN orchestrated effort.” Mattis said that he has seen refugees from all over the world, including in Kosovo and Africa, he has never seen “refugees as traumatized as coming out of Syria. It’s got to end and our strategy remains the same as a year ago, to drive this to a U.N.-brokered peace, but at the same time keep our foot on the neck of ISIS until we suffocate it.” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, left, with Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, testify on the FY2019 budget during a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill, Thursday, April 12, 2018 in Washington.The Associated Press Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, left, with Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, testify on the FY2019 budget during a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill, Thursday, April 12, 2018 in Washington.more + Asked what his biggest worry is about potential military action, Mattis cited civilian casualties. “There’s a tactical concern, ma’am,” he said to Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Mass., “that innocent people -- we don’t add any civilian deaths. We’re trying to stop the murder of innocent people, but on a strategic level it’s how do we keep this from escalating out of control, if, if you get my drift on that.” Multiple committee members pressed Mattis on whether he has the authority to conduct strikes without a congressional vote. Mattis cited protection of the 2000 or so U.S. troops in Syria helping to fight ISIS. “We have forces in the field as you know in Syria and the use of chemical weapons in Syria is not something we should assume that, well because he didn’t use them on us this time, he wouldn’t use them on us next time,” he said. “We have got to look at the use of chemical weapons, whether it be in Salisbury, England, or in Syria, as something that’s inexcusable and it’s got to be addressed, and Russia prevents the U.N. from dealing with it, we can sit acquiescent, or we can do something about it.” Mattis also vowed to notify congressional leaders of any military action before it is taken, and make a full report on any potential action to Congress afterward
In Damascus, war-weary Syrians unfazed by threat of U.S. military strike

DAMASCUS, Syria -- President Trump may punish the Assad regime for an apparent chemical weapons attack that was carried out against civilians in Syria. While the threat of a U.S. military strike may be on minds there, it's not showing much.

Medical student Khaled al-Anaz, 23, says he hasn't done anything differently in response to the news.

"I have an ordinary life," al-Anaz said.

It was a typical Thursday in a working class, residential neighborhood of Damascus, where people have heard about the alleged chemical attack and simply don't believe their government was behind it.

"How could Trump know if the terrorists used it or if the Syrian government did this?" al-Anaz asked.

Syrian President Bashar Assad has been seemingly at ease and unfazed in a number of times this week. He said that Western threats of military action are based on lies.

Ali Jallal, who works in a clothing store, told us he is not scared about the prospect of a U.S. strike.

"We've had war for seven years," Jallal said.

They're numb after so much war. In fact, Jallal questions whether the U.S. will really take action.

Syria's strongest battlefield ally, Russia, claimed victory on Thursday in Douma, where Saturday's alleged chemical attack took place.

When CBS News asked to visit Douma, authorities said it's still dangerous and the Syrian government is not fully in control. The government may make work difficult for the chemical weapons inspectors who are set to start their investigation on Saturday.

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