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» » Syria air strikes: All the latest updates

Syria   air strikes: All the latest updates

The strikes come after a suspected chemical weapons attack in the former rebel stronghold of Douma last weekend.

Here are all the latest updates on the strikes:

Syrian state media says US-led strikes hit army depots
Syrian state media called the attacks by the US, France and the UK "a flagrant violation of international law", adding that the attacks had targeted army depots in the Homs area.
Russia warned 'such actions won't be left without consequences'
The Russian ambassador to the US said in a statement on the strikes that Russia warned that "such actions will not be left without consequences".
Mattis: 'Right now, this is a one-time shot'
"Right now, this is a one-time shot, and I believe it has sent a very strong message," US Secretary of Defense James Mattis said.
Syrian state TV: Syrian air defences responded to attack
Syrian state TV reports that Syrian air defences responded to the strikes by the US, UK and France
Explosions heard in Damascus
As Trump announced the strikes, explosions were heard from Damascus, Reuters news agency reported.
Emmanuel Macron confirms France's involvement
French President Emmanuel Macron has confirmed France's involvement in the strikes.
UK's Theresa May: Strikes meant to 'deter the use of chemical weapons'
UK Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed Britain's involvement in the strikes, saying: "We would have preferred an alternative path. But on this occasion there is none."

She said the strikes were not about "regime change" or "intervening in a civil war", but were to "deter the use of chemical weapons" by the Syrian government.

Trump: 'I ordered precision strikes'
"I ordered the United States armed forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapon capabilities of Syrian dictator of Bashar al-Assad," Trump said from the White House late on Friday.
The purpose of the campaign is to "establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread and use of chemical weapons," the US President said.

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