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» » Israelis, Palestinians uninterested in U.S.-brokered peace efforts, Trump says

Israelis, Palestinians uninterested in U.S.-brokered peace efforts, Trump says
Israelis and Palestinians remain unwilling to pursue any U.S.-led effort to forge a lasting peace deal in the Middle East, despite efforts taken by the Trump administration to strengthen Israel’s hand in possible negotiations.

Mr. Trump characterized lack of enthusiasm on both sides for brokering a peace settlement as “foolish,” accusing all parties of squandering an indispensable opportunity to end the decades-long conflict.

“Right now, I would say the Palestinians are not looking to make peace, they are not looking to make peace. And I am not necessarily sure that Israel is looking to make peace. So we are just going to have to see what happens,” Mr. Trump said during an interview with Israel Hayom on Sunday.

“I think it is very foolish for the Palestinians and I also think it would be very foolish for the Israelis if they don’t make a deal. It’s our only opportunity and it will never happen after this,” he added during the interview, which also focused on the administration’s controversial decision to name Jerusalem as the de facto Israeli capital.

The Trump White House infuriated the Arab world with its proclamation on Jerusalem, and its announced intention to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to the ancient, holy city in December.

“Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of Palestine,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said during an emergency meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul, shortly after the White House’s announcement.

Characterizing the White House’s policy shift on Jerusalem as “the greatest crime” committed by Washington against Palestinians, Mr. Abbas warned the U.S. could no longer play a role in the Middle East peace process.

“Jerusalem is not going anywhere. It is not united. It will never be united,” said Ambassador Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s General Delegation to the U.S., last month during a speech at the Washington-based Middle East Institute.

The move has emboldened the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, further entrenching the position of Israeli hardliners opposed to any negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.

During his first State of the Union speech, Mr. Trump issued a thinly-veiled threat to nations who have voiced their opposition to U.S. efforts in Jerusalem.

“In 2016, American taxpayers generously sent those same countries more than $20 billion dollars in aid,” he said. “That is why, tonight, I’m asking the Congress to pass legislation to help ensure American foreign-assistance dollars always serve American interests — and only go to friends of America, not enemies of America.”

Administration officials have already vowed to block future financial aid to the Palestinian Authority unless Palestinians agree to peace talks with Israel.

But on Sunday, Mr. Trump walked back claims his administration had taken Jerusalem off the table, in terms of any possible peace talks in the future, reiterating the city’s borders would be determined through bilateral talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

“By taking Jerusalem off the table I wanted to make it clear that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and as for specific boundaries, I would support what both sides agreed to,” he said Sunday.

Other nations, most recently Russia, have recognized Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, but noted those borders only extend to the western part of the city. That delineation has always been taken in anticipation of East Jerusalem being the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Mr. Trump also cautioned Israel from pursuing more settlements in disputed areas within the Palestinian territories, saying such efforts would further impede efforts to get peace talks on track.

“The settlements are something that very much complicates and always have complicated making peace,” he said, adding “I think Israel has to be very careful with the settlements.


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