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» » Trump slams media coverage of his Puerto Rico trip

Trump slams media coverage of his Puerto Rico trip
 President Trump said Wednesday that some of the media coverage of his Puerto Rico trip was “fake.”
“A great day in Puerto Rico yesterday. While some of the news coverage is Fake, most showed great warmth and friendship,” he tweeted.
Critics said he didn’t show enough compassion for the Puerto Rican people. Mr. Trump was also criticized for throwing paper towels in the air when handing out supplies during his visit to the island
on Tuesday. He also joked that Puerto Rico had thrown “the budget out of whack.”
Hurricane Maria made landfall nearly two weeks ago, leaving Puerto Rico with massive damage and minimal power. Supplies have been slow to reach the island and even the supplies that are there have taken a long time to reach many parts of the island that are not near the ports.
“Wow, so many Fake News stories today. No matter what I do or say, they will not write or speak truth. The Fake News Media is out of control!” Mr. Trump added in an additional tweet.
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulí Cruz said the president’s remarks lacked “sensitivity,” but said she was encouraged that supplies to the island would increase after talking with the president’s staff during their visit.

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