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» » Hillary Clinton to receive honorary doctorate from Swansea University

  Hillary Clinton to receive honorary doctorate from Swansea University

  Hillary Clinton will be presented with an honorary doctorate from Swansea University when she’s exptected to visit Wales next month.
Vice chancellor Richard Davies said Friday that the school will give Mrs. Clinton the award during a ceremony at the university’s Bay campus on Oct. 14, recognizing the former U.S. secretary of state for her commitment to “promoting the rights of families and children around the world.”
  We are honored to present this award to Hillary Rodham Clinton, a figure of enormous international significance, and one synonymous with human rights,” Mr. Davies said in a statement. “It is tremendous that she has chosen Swansea University for her first public appearance on this visit to the UK.
Mr. Davies said Swansea University’s Observatory on the Human Rights of Children and Young People has been working to improve human rights on a global basis, and that it is “delighted that one of the biggest international names in politics and in advancing the rights of children is now synonymous with this work.”

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